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How to Get Rid of Built Up Plaque

How to get rid of plaque at home

How to get rid of plaque at home? This question arises because of the lack of attention to hygiene, the rejection of preventive examinations at the dentist.

We will talk about why there are deposits on the enamel and how to deal with them.

What is dental plaque?

Harmful bacteria and food debris that covers enamel film — this is plaque. His appearance after a meal is normal, with timely cleaning, he can't bring harm. But if time does not get rid of plaque, they penetrate into the inner layer. The gradual accumulation leads to yellowing of teeth, especially in the fissures and over the gums.

The rotting remnants of food provokes an unpleasant smell and if you don't get rid of them, the enamel will become thinner, there will be plaque and tooth decay. To clean layering in the first phase much easier, as they are soft and have not yet penetrated into the dentin.


After the meal everyone can notice even feel the teeth as if covered with foil. This food residue and the bacteria, which begin active growth. For some time the crowns will still be snow-white color, but gradually it becomes darker. Then it will turn yellow and in severe cases even black.

Most people find yellow at the neck of the tooth, as near the natural cavities plaque builds up faster. Regular use of the brush hinders the process, and if you don't have to use the remains of food will be easier to settle on the soft ground, covering the dentin. The outcome of this is the formation of Tartar.

Accelerates the formation of plaque by a number of factors:

  • poor personal hygiene and inability to use Flossie — ideal, if possible after every meal (even snacks) to brush teeth, especially after eating anything carbohydrate. The procedure to replace it using dental floss or at least rinse the mouth;
  • treatment iron-containing substances as a trace element due to its structure is deposited on the enamel;
  • abuse of chocolate, cakes and other foods with high carbohydrate content;
  • physiological characteristics — these include causes due to the individual factors: saliva, her weakness, frequent thirst, chronic illness;
  • Smoking resin so tightly eats into the enamel, even with careful hygiene to clean off them very difficult. The gradual accumulation of these sediments leads to yellowing.



Unit plaque professional dentists is even in color. Tint often indicates its origin:

  • brown and dark yellow characteristic of abuse-Smoking people, especially those who smokes a lot. At others it occurs in the presence of amalgam fillings. Patients who do not have bad habits, too, are susceptible to formation of deposits that color. It is associated with the peculiarities of production (work on the smelting of metals), lack of hygiene. Dark film occurs in children with milk teeth, which is a joint reaction of sulfur and iron;
  • black — indicates serious dysfunctions in the body and may indicate pathology of the biliary tract or severe dysbiosis. There is still the abuse of antibiotics or after chemotherapy. With this color of the sediments in the home is impossible to cure;
  • white — appears after sleep. It is also necessary to clean to avoid decay and transformation in stone;
  • green is the color characteristic of people under the age of 16. Such layering focuses on the front end and associated with eating anything green, including the composition of chlorophyll;
  • grey layering — is the result of hyperplasia of enamel, or it may just indicate inadequate dental hygiene;
  • white-yellow — has a characteristic loose structure and accumulates throughout the day. To remove such deposits easily, and is suitable for this purpose, regular cleaning.

Stages of plaque formation are as follows:

  • a thin layer occurs within 4 hours, even after brushing;
  • after 7 hours of hygiene the amount of bacteria on it reaches 10 million.
  • after 7 days the deposits become visible, there is an unpleasant taste and smell.

Gradually they harden, and food debris transformirovalsya in stone. It may be subgingival, and supragingival usual.

Professional techniques

To remove the plaque through a professional cleaning is the simple solution that will bring fast results. This method is much more expensive than any homemade recipes. Use 3 ways of bleaching:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning removes along with sediments and a layer of pathogenic bacteria. It is important that the enamel on the impact of not suffering. After applying ultrasound to the surface to be polished. This method is considered to be one of the available, and it effectively removes even hardened components.
  2. Air Flow — the procedure is based on the use of a mixture of water and air with the addition of soda. The basis on the teeth to apply pressure, so the polishing and particle removal plaque is without damage. This method even for hard to reach areas. Air Flow is contraindicated for people supporting a salt-free diet, asthmatics and pregnant women.
  3. Modern techniques are complemented by laser cleaning. It is also effective, does not cause discomfort and damage. Enamel does not thin, so the laser is suitable for fans of cigarettes and coffee, as it allows to repeat the procedure repeatedly. It is used even in the dark sediments, but in these cases, anesthesia is not required prior to the event. The output is saved throughout the year, but the cost is much more expensive than other types of cleaning.

Tablets for indication helps to understand whether you need professional whitening. Buy them at the pharmacy, put it in your mouth and chew. After that, the language is carried across the edge of the teeth, rinse the cavity and check the crown.

This tool paints areas where fresh sediments are in pink or red shades. The blue color will be on those areas where leftover food is already old. If this shade more, it can be effectively addressed only through professional methods. The pink color of the dentin is cleansed usual thorough hygiene.

How to remove dental plaque at home?

To remove plaque on teeth at home can help a range of methods:

  • regular eating of citrus to protect from the accumulation on teeth of food residue. Vitamin C in pineapples, lemons and oranges restores blood circulation and prevents bad breath;
  • the black radish or its juice can corrode the tumors, so eat these foods daily;
  • dry celandine brew in boiling water and in a water bath to warm for 4 hours. Such a concentrated extract suitable for rinsing after eating;
  • eggplant burn and crumble to ash to dust. Place it on the brush and apply on the enamel. Grind is not necessary, just hold it for a while and rinse. If you use the recipe regularly, it prevents plaque;
  • take a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice, add the mixture to the soda and stir to form a slurry. It is placed on the teeth and in 5-7 minutes, wash off. If ashes to clean them, then it means it is better not to RUB, as it quickly injure the protective layer of the large amount of abrasive components. To repeat the mask can be only in a week;
  • chopped burdock root (1 tbsp) 3-5 dried pods from the bean. The ingredients are boiled 3 hours, and after cooling the decoction rinse your mouth. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times a day;
  • activated charcoal to crumble to a powder, sprinkle over toothpaste and gently clean the dentin.

Much better the RAID will get if you buy a brush with bristles of high rigidity. Its better to use alternately with soft bristles, so as not to scratch the enamel. Permanent injury will lead to abrasion and increased sensitivity. Teeth will become whiter, but their condition will worsen.

How to prevent the appearance of plaque on the teeth?

Prevention of deposits and Tartar on dentin is quite simple. Rules are as follows:

  • to eat rationally and fully;
  • give up bad habits;
  • brush your teeth regularly, use Flossie and rinses (to fully take care of teeth and mouth);
  • to choose 2 kinds of toothpastes with different effects (therapeutic and whitening);
  • reduce consumption of teas and coffee;
  • regularly visit the dentist.

Favorably affects the quality of cleaning change brushes on ultrasound. To complement hygiene and you can purchase the Waterpik will clean off the layers of food, even in hard to reach areas. And 1-2 times a year you need to conduct a full cleaning of plaque in the dental office. All these measures are an excellent prevention of any dental plaque and further prevent diseases of the oral cavity.

Video: what happens if I do not rid of plaque?

How to Get Rid of Built Up Plaque
